Comaea, the global competency management software provider, has been awarded a contract to work with the DWP Digital (the digital team for the Department for Work and Pensions) over the next two years to support and enhance skills capture and career development across their 5000 digital professionals.
The contract comes after a rigorous selection process and follows a number of recent UK Government engagements that the comaea competency management solution has supported.
DWP will utilise a number of competency frameworks and skills matrices, and over 200 role definitions to provide staff with transparent career and development opportunities within the broad range of DWP Digital activities.
It comes as part of a wider programme of professionalisation within the function and comaea will integrate seamlessly with the existing IT infrastructure to provide a world-leading competency and skills management solution.
For more information on how comaea can help you, contact Tony.martin@comaea.com
About Comaea:
Comaea is the bit that your LMS and HR systems don't do very well. It is a specialist competency management software tool that provides employees a clear competency development structure to help them plan their career, and provides organisations a comprehensive data analytics package that enables data-driven decisions.